Platinum Crystal: The four majors of wearing crystal jewelry


Whether it is a crystal bracelet or a crystal necklace or a crystal ring or pendant, it is basically elegant. Because the types of natural crystals are relatively large, and the meaning of each crystal is different, so wear all kinds of crystal jewelry. This makes it easy to overlook the care of wearing crystal jewelry. For example, garnet, garnet is a woman's stone, has the effect of qi and blood and beauty, so it is very good for women. The main obsidian is the evil spirits, which is relatively suitable for men to wear.

The following are some of the things you should pay attention to when wearing crystal jewelry:

One with crystal jewelry: Can you wear crystal when swimming in the bath?

A: You can wear it, but don't wear it if you don't wear it. Why do you say this? It is said that it does not affect the crystal, and the bath liquid will not harm the crystal, because the crystal will not reflect with acid or alkali, nor will it be similar to other chemicals. It is reflected that it is reflected in fluorine under high temperature conditions only. But why don't you wear it if you don't wear it, because there will be collisions in the process of movement, the crystal is fragile, and if you accidentally pull it off, it won't be troublesome.

Note 2 with crystal jewelry: Why can I only wear my left hand?

A: If you believe that crystal has mysterious power on the human body, wear a necklace because it has more contact with the human body. Many crystal therapists abroad recommend this. Why do crystal bracelets have more left-handed hands (except for dark crystals such as obsidian), we have always said that China has left and right (there is a similar saying abroad), crystal is worn in the left hand, and the left hand will absorb the power of the crystal (or It can be said that the crystal is also the magnetic field that absorbs the outside world, while the right hand releases the different magnetic fields. In fact, the crystal wears left and right hands is to pay attention to if the absorption should be carried in the left hand, if it is projection, it should be with the right hand. Projective crystals can release energy to attract some magnetic fields. Absorbing crystals can absorb some energy.

Three with crystal jewelry: Why should the crystal be cleaned regularly?

A: First, the crystal absorbs the negative energy of the body. It is like a trash can. When it is full, it is necessary to release it regularly. Released will bring more good luck to people. Second, the crystal stone itself will have dirt adhesion for a long time, and cleaning is indispensable. Third, the psychological suggestion, purification, purity, and psychological integrity, will be more convinced of its aura. And I personally think that the purified crystal is easier to communicate with the owner, and it is easier to exert its unique power.

Four with crystal jewelry: Can pregnant women wear crystal?

Now medical research has proved that natural crystal has the effects of reducing blood pressure, eyesight, refreshing, facilitating and replenishing dirt, especially for eye diseases, pharyngitis, insomnia, frozen shoulder and breast disease.

There are three reasons: crystal has three directions of optical axis, the release of energy is huge, when stimulating acupuncture points, like acupuncture, it can produce physiotherapy. Crystal has a peculiar piezoelectric effect, which is incomparable to other gemstones and can regulate the body's secretory system. The intrinsic magnetic field of the world is similar to the magnetic field strength of the human body. When the human body is uncomfortable, the magnetic field changes. The magnetic field of the crystal can correct the magnetic field of the human body, so that people can maintain vitality and vitality. So wear natural crystal for pregnant women. It is good for both baby and baby.

Platinum Crystal is derived from the Italian jewelry brand. It is mainly engaged in natural color treasures and crystals. It adopts the natural materials of mining areas such as Brazil to create urban fashion health treasures, which are loved and recognized by consumers.

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